The Standard announced several updates to its fully-underwritten DI products, its GSI products, and for the state of California. The changes include:
- Fully-Underwritten DI Updates
- New Preferred Occupation Discount – This 10% discount on Platinum Advantage is available to several 5A occupation classes. Find more information in their premium discounts flyer linked here.
- Expanded Special BIR Accelerated Option for Medical Residents and Fellows – a special accelerated benefit increase during the 12 months after they complete their training. This doubles the post-training window to increase up to I&P limits with proof of income or up to new-in-practice limits without income documentation.
- Four occupations have changed occupation class – For Platinum Advantage, CRNAs will change from 3P to 2P, pharmacists from 5P to 4P, opticians who dispense only from 3A to 3P and opticians performing all duties from 2A to 2P. See the Occupation Class List in the Online Reference Product Guide for occupation class changes for other products.
- GSI Updates
- Catastrophic Disability Benefit Maximum Now $12,500 – With Platinum Advantage GSI, The Standard has increased the maximum benefit allowed under the Catastrophic Disability Benefit Rider from $10,000 to $12,500, subject to underwriting review.
- Occupation Class Changes for Platinum Advantage and Protector PlatinumSM GSI – CRNAs will move from 3P to 2P, opticians who dispense only from 3A to 3P and opticians performing all duties from 2A to 2P. For Platinum Advantage, pharmacists will change from 5P to 4P and for Protector Platinum, pharmacists will change from 5A to 4A.
- Updates for California
Contact Truluma with any questions.